Abstinence Agreement Definition

The similarities between the samples by country are much more remarkable than the differences, although some characteristics of the national samples stand out. Religious moralization, evident in much of the southeastern Nigerian sample, for example, is more distinctive and congruent with Smiths (2004) Description of the influence of Christianity, particularly evangelical and Pentecostal, on the HIV-related beliefs and behaviors of Igbo youth than with the plural representations of abstinence that Izugbara (2008; 2007) found among rural men in a part of Nigeria speaking of Igbo. While the six-person sample observed different representations of abstinence, which reflect some of Izugbara`s findings, the representations in Nigerian narratives were, conversely, one-dimensional and highly stigmatizing. The male partner in a Senegalese story, for example, argues that his girlfriend wants to have sex “at her age,” implying that the right time for sex is cultural or developmental (SN, M 16 R). Movement addiction, sex addiction and shopping addiction are very difficult to deal with abstinence-based approaches. Here are some reasons why someone might choose abstinence: Taking pre-marital sex from conservative Christian ideology was also evident in several Kenyan narratives…