Energy Management Agreement

(g) the arbitration panel begins to hear evidence within ninety (90) days of the election of the Chair, unless the Chair, after approval by the Arbitration Panel, extends for a reasonable period of time or without agreement between the group. The arbitration panel makes its decision in writing within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of (c) if the owner is subject to an applicable law: an authorization, an agreement or project contract or project financing, a projection, report or other document relating to the provision of services, Energy Manager will make reasonable economic efforts to provide this information at the request of the owner, provided that Energy Manager is compensated for all costs reasonably incurred under this clause. Our customers have a number of energy goals. From reducing costs and saving energy to monitoring and reducing consumption, or through sustainable, energy-efficient initiatives to reduce their impact on the environment. We`ll get it. Plenipotentiaries (and/or alternates) meet regularly, but no more than every six months, during the lifespan. These meetings can be held in person or by telephone or by any other electronic means, as the parties can give their consent. During these meetings, the parties will discuss, among other things, any changes to energy markets in New Brunswick and New England that may affect the calculation of damages and costs payable in accordance with Section 3.7 of this agreement in the event of non-delivery of 1SO-NE-supplied electricity. The notifying party remains liable for any breach of confidentiality by such a person and (v) potential good-faith buyers of an interest in the owner or facility; However, if these potential prospective prospective buyers in good faith are required to sign a written confidentiality agreement in which they undertake to respect the confidentiality of confidential information in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

Lenders have the right to pass on confidential information to any government authority (in any event required by the law of such a company and provided that reasonable efforts are made to be treated confidentially by such a company) and to its advisors, auditors, insurers and supervisors, provided that these advisers, legal controllers, insurers and supervisors agree to preserve the confidentiality of this confidential information under the terms of that entity, and that the public party remains responsible for any breach of that person`s confidentiality. U.S. energy transfers to Canada pursuant to Section 202 (e) of the Federal Power Act. (b) The purchaser ensures that no other energy supply to ISO-NE provided by the purchaser is treated on more favourable terms. (a) for the duration of the agreement, the owner does not enter into an agreement with third parties regarding the services provided for by this agreement or any other transaction that, in both cases, would exclude a transaction under this agreement with the participation of the owner and the energy manager; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, subject to the conditions set out in these provisions, the owner may request transactions with third parties and bring them to the attention of the energy manager and the energy manager, has the right to refuse, as described in point 2.5 b) below.