Learning Agreement Sowi

Applications are sent by e-mail to the Erasmus Technical Coordination of the faculty ([email protected]) before 31.01.2021. Exchange places will be allocated by the end of February at the latest. Under the ERASMUS+ programme, the Faculty of Social Sciences cooperates with 26 universities in 18 EU countries and Turkey. After the electronic submission of your experience report, the AAA verifies the completeness. Please note that it may take some time to review your experience report. Once the exam is complete, you will receive a confirmation email. Only after that you will be able to upload the confirmation of the presentation of an experience report in your Mobileity online workflow. Testimonials from former outgoings will help you find out which courses have already been recognized at your host university. Experience reports on the higher education institution can be found in the partner database. A special agreement with the University of Konstanz (DE) recognises a semester of mobility in the Department of Political and Administrative Science as a foreign language semester. . 2. The internal learning agreement: the internal LA contains all the courses that you want to count for the courses of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

This learning agreement is necessary for internal recognition processes and is therefore referred to as the “Interne Learning Agreement” or “Interne LA”. The internal LA is created with the help of the Mannheim University of Credit Tools (ARETUM). For each learning agreement, a code is generated, which you can specify during continuous communication with the coordination abroad. Students of the faculty can benefit from specialized cooperation with several universities in Mexico and Australia. For all those who will study in Europe via Erasmus and benefit from the Erasmus+ scholarship. At the LA, you can list the events that you want to visit at the university and that you want to have taken into account in your curriculum in Bern. In principle, depending on your level of study, events should be established at the bachelor`s or master`s level and be graded. . The number of courses and the number of credits acquired abroad (ECTS in Europe or credits converted abroad) do not necessarily have to correspond to the ECTS per course in Mannheim, as we have competence-based recognition. However, the general rule is that you should roughly orient yourself to the EctS points in Mannheim for the number of ECTS. The grade conversion tables for services provided during the semester abroad are available on ILIAS. As usual, log in to ILIAS with your login and choose the “Conversion Tables for Study Abroad” group that you can sign up for.

Here you will find up-to-date information on the conversion of the ratings provided by the BWL Audit Committee. . . .