Air Freight Agreement

One of the first AAS after World War II was the Bermuda Agreement, signed in 1946 by the United Kingdom and the United States. The characteristics of this agreement have become models for the thousands of agreements that were to follow, although in recent decades some of the traditional clauses of these agreements have been amended (or “liberalized”) in accordance with the “open skies” policy of some governments, particularly the United States. [2] 2.5 Charters: With respect to the transport of freight under a charter agreement with the airline, this transport is subject to the company`s charter rates (if any) and these conditions apply only to the extent provided by this charter fare. If Carrier does not have a charter tariff for such a charter agreement, these conditions apply to this agreement, except that carrier reserves the right to exclude the application of all or part of these conditions and, in the event of a discrepancy between the applicable provisions of these conditions and the conditions provided in the charter agreement or covered by the charter agreement. , the latter has priority and the shipper is bound by the transport, whether it is concluded with the shipper or not, to the terms and conditions in force. This agreement remains in force as long as the above agreement is in force; However, provided that any State Contracting Party to the Agreement can denounce it on a one-year note addressed to the Government of the United States of America, which promptly informs all other States Parties of this communication and its withdrawal. If the goods require special attention, it is the shipper`s express obligation to provide the necessary instructions for the carrier to fulfill its duty of care and maintenance of the cargo. It is logical to assume that, with respect to goods that deserve special care, the value of the cargo may increase. An international commercial transaction requires a detailed and precise contract. However, it can be costly and tedious to establish such a contract itself. The International Chamber of Commerce, the World Organization of the World Economy, has responded to the need for a market for a reliable and fair model with the ICC International Sales Contract, which offers a solution to present a set of clear and concise standard contractual terms for the most fundamental international trade agreement. The air transport letter is by far the most important document issued with regard to international freight transport.

It certifies the contract or international transport agreement between the parties and plays a central role in the liability regime. In current practice, air transport letters are generally non-negotiable. This is due to the speed of air traffic, which means that there is normally no need for a document allowing the sale of goods in transit.